About Us

About Us

Who Are We?

Founded in 1998 to provide agency and consultancy services, Emiroğlu Shipping expanded in 2007 by establishing its own fleet in response to a growing economy and increasing demand for transportation.

Currently, our fleet includes the vessels Hızır Reis, Mavi Vatan, Halis Demir, and Rize. We specialize in dry cargo and bulk freight transportation, delivering reliable and efficient maritime services.

With a mission to provide trustworthy, honest, and high-quality maritime trade solutions, our company has achieved a reputable standing in the international arena thanks to 25 years of experience. Driven by a customer-focused approach, our expert team is dedicated to offering professional support. Emiroğlu Shipping has proudly earned its place among the esteemed companies in Turkey’s maritime transportation industry.

Hızır Reis

Our Mission

To embrace a principled, honest, and competitive business approach, meeting our clients' expectations while standing out as a reliable and innovative organization that respects legal regulations and delivers exceptional solutions.

Our Vision

To become a globally recognized brand operating in international markets, delivering reliable and professional services while striving for growth in partnership with our clients.

Our Group Companies

Arwad AgencyBuyurucu Oto ve İnşaat

Mustafa Buyurucu

Founder / Genaral Manager


Uğur Kalkavan

Cso / Ism / Dpa

ugurk@emiroglushipping.com ism@emiroglushipping.com

Behlül Coşgun

Technical Dept.


Ebru Dokur

Human Resources Dept.





Arif Çapanoğlu

Finance Dept.


Mahmut Kuvel

Chartering Dept.

chartering@emiroglushipping.com postfix@emiroglushipping.com

Samet Kuvel

Chartering / Postfixture Dept.


Muhammet Hakan Buyurucu

Post-fixture Dept.

chartering@emiroglushipping.com postfix@emiroglushipping.com